Blue Whale Game - The Suicide Game


              The Blue Whale Game also "Blue Whale Challenge", is an internet game that is claimed to exist in several countries. The game allegedly consists of a series of tasks assigned to players by administrators during a 50-day period, with the final challenge requiring the player to commit suicide the term "Blue Whale" comes from the phenomenon of beached whales which is linked to suicide.
          Blue Whale began in Russia in 2013 with "F57", one of the names of the so-called "death group" of the Vkontatke social network, and allegedly caused its first suicide in 2015
         When the player signs up for the game its says want to play? There is no way back. That means you can’t leave once you begin, after you started the game  -the administrator give you daily challenges for 50 days of which they must send photographic proof of completion. These tasks are weird, such as watching a horror movie, waking up at odd times, cutting lips but eventually they are told to inflict harm upon themselves. But on the 50th and final day, they are asked to kill themselves

The 50 Blue Whale Challenges are as weird as you see

Blue whale challenges source Wikipedia
Blue Whale Challenges Source Wikipedia

            The man behind the Blue whale Suicide Game
.        Philipp Budeikin, a former psychology student who was expelled from his university, claimed that he invented the game. Budeikin stated that his purpose was to "clean" the society by pushing to suicide those he deemed as having no value
         Philipp budeikin 21 year old Russian guy behind the horrific suicidal game.
        More than 130 Russians give up their life due to this game, many cases have been heard in India too
        The Russian 21 year old who has now confessed to the crime, says he thinks of his victims as ‘Biological waste’ and told the police they were happy to die and said he was cleaning the society

          Want to play?
          If you are stupid enough to play this stupid game you will go hard in search for this game but you cannot find the Blue Whale Challenge on app store, play store, Facebook. This is very private online game where player get invite to join the group in order to play the game. It mostly target the teenagers those who mentally weak.

          Be alert
         Parents are advice to keep eye on their kids what they are doing on the internet. It’s your responsibility to keep your children away with this kind of things on internet
        If you got link of this game from anywhere don’t go ahead, you don’t know what is your mental condition that what will happen if you play the game so please you should stay away with this game
       If you find someone playing this or inviting you to play don’t risks your life stay away and tell them to stop too if they don’t stop tell their parents about it.

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